Lunar Eclipse

These were taken on 4 May 2004 from my front garden with an SLR mounted on my telescope in place of the eyepiece. I used 100ASA Fuji film.

The eclipse was already in progress as the moon rose. The moon was so dim compared to the surrounding sky that I completely failed to see it for about half an hour despite staring in the right place the whole time.

pic of lunar eclipsepic of lunar eclipse pic of lunar eclipse

I have a cheap digital camera which actually takes pretty good pictures of the moon just by being held up to the eyepiece, as seen below left, but during the eclipse the moon was too dim for the camera to pick it up. However, as it emerged from the shadow of the Earth I was able to take some pictures, which I combined into the second picture below.

pic of Moon pic of lunar eclipse

p.s. Conspiracy theorists please note - you can't see any stars in the background.

Main page | Astronomy page | Eclipse 10 November 2003 | Eclipse 3 March 2007