Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), July 2020

These photographs were taken at around 1 o-clock British Summer Time in July 2020. The first one is actually my first attempt on July 14 - despite being the darkest time of the night (give or take a minute) the sky was so light in the North that I didn't actually see the comet at first. The camera was pointed in roughly the right direction and the exposure was guesswork. The other three are from 19 July. Note the noctilucent clouds on the horizon.

I set the gain on my camera to ISO 4000 with an exposure of 10 seconds at f/5.6, in case you want to take your own pictures. I recommend Heavens Above as a web site with information on finding the comet, and much more besides...

pic of comet NEOWISE pic of comet NEOWISE pic of comet NEOWISE pic of comet NEOWISE

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